If your home or place of business has suffered damage, you can file a claim with your insurance service provider. They will send their own inspectors and insurance adjusters to assess the damage. In fact, their evaluation will be the deciding factor for any compensation awarded by the insurance company.

Insurance Adjusters

The insurance adjuster is supposedly an independent assessor who will evaluate your claim impartially. However, this term is actually a bit of a misnomer. An ‘independent’ insurance adjuster always works on behalf of the insurance service provider. In other words, the insurance agency is their client, not the policyholder.

Independent adjusters differ from an insurance company’s own in-house inspectors and claims adjusters. They are contracted by insurance agencies to vet policyholders’ claims. Multiple insurance service providers often contract these adjusters to add a layer of legitimacy to their claim approval process.

Since they are the contracted representatives of the agencies, they will almost always try to minimize the claim or even reject it altogether. Their paychecks are ultimately paid by the insurance companies that hire their services. That’s why they will go out of their way to minimize the compensation amounts. In fact, they are hired precisely because they are trained to save the insurance service provider‘s funds and minimize their losses in every way.

Public Adjusters

Public insurance adjusters, on the other hand, work on behalf of the policyholder instead of the insurance company. As a policyholder, it is your right to hire a public adjuster before you file a claim for damages incurred.

Your public adjusters will work with you to ensure you receive the best possible offer for the settlement of your claim. These people will check the policy document and find every loophole in your favor. They will also inspect the damage and give their own assessment of the amount that’s your due right.

They won’t be intimidated by industry jargon since they have many years of experience in this field. They will help you fill out the forms and take care of every formality to deprive the agency of any opportunity to lowball your claim. In fact, many insurance agencies and companies don’t even try to contest the claim of a well-known public adjuster.

Having a public adjuster in your corner is a great way of countering your insurance agency’s attempts at decreasing or even rejecting your claim. After all, if an insurance company hires independent adjusters who work on their behalf, you can do the same by hiring your own experts in this field.

Since they know the inner workings of the industry, it would be all but impossible to fool them into making any mistakes. It is often difficult to think straight after a massive property loss or other damages. Here, you can rely on your public adjuster to keep a cool head and methodically help you file your claim.

If you are looking for public adjusters in Mansfield, OH, to help guide you through the complicated process of filing a claim, you need to look no further. You can count on IRPA to always be there in your corner!