Public adjusters may be described as independent claims adjusters assisting policy holders on their personal and commercial insurance claims that they have with their insurance carriers. They can be a great option to be retained by individual policyholders to help settle insurance claims on their behalf. While your insurance company will provide their own adjusters who are trained on the policy and adjusting claims for the carrier, a public adjuster will only have the policy holders best interest at hand pertaining to a fair settlement adjustment from their carrier.  

Public adjusters will charge a predetermined percentage of the insurance settlement as fees for their services. It is pertinent to note that public adjusters will assist you through the entire claims process. A public adjusters roll is to insure that the policy holder is put back to “Pre Loss Conditions” under the terms and conditions of their policy. 

What Can a Public Adjuster Do for You?

After an unforeseen mishap or an unexpected accident, the last thing any claimant needs would be to file their claim and then must dispute either the coverage or estimate amount being provided to them by their carriers. It certainly is stressful to fill out the forms and live the incident, especially if your insurance company’s adjuster is not providing an accurate coverage opinion leading to a denial of the claim or providing an accurate estimate for the damages that occurred.   

A great time to call a public adjuster is prior to contacting your insurance carrier and submitting a claim. It is always wise to discuss all the aspects pertaining to the “Cause of Loss” and the damages so a policy holder can make an informed decision to see if a public adjuster is necessary on their claim. Remember, it is better to start off with a public adjuster at the start of a claim rather than when the policy holder is mid-way on the claim and then having issues with the carrier. A public adjuster can ensure that a claimant is not left at the mercy of their insurance company. 

Barring insurance experts – very few people understand the technical jargon and terminologies employed by the insurance sector. An average policy holder does not know exactly what coverage that they have in their policy or what may be available to them during their loss. Knowing the policy and how it works is crucial to any claim. A policy is a contract between the carrier and the policy holder. Certain terms and conditions within the policy must be completed by both parties. Some specific areas stated in the policy, such as “Proof of Loss” must be filed in a certain time-period stated in the policy.   

At the end of the day, the insurance service providers are running a business. Their core goal is to protect their financial interests and shareholders and not the interest of the policy holder. Remember that the role of a public adjuster is to fight for the policy holder and maximize the claim in order to put them to “Pre-Loss Conditions”, like the loss never occurred. 

They Are Never Emotionally Involved During the Claims Process 

After suffering any loss to your personal and/or commercial property, it is only natural that the policy holder can get stressed out trying to review the policy and work with their carrier. Without a public adjuster, the policy holder most likely will be settling their claim with their carrier for a smaller amount then what is actually owed. It is most evident that a policy holder may likely make mistakes during their claims process. A public adjusters will always be clear-headed and will bring their expertise to the table in order to ensure their client gets a fair estimate for the damages utilizing the full terms and conditions afforded to them under their policy.  

IRPA -Indemnity Resolution Public Adjusters LTD., has the experience and skills required to deal with an insurance company. If you need public adjusters in Fort Myers Florida you may call for a free consultation.