Let’s suppose a particularly violent storm damages your home. You would be well within your rights to file a claim if your property is insured. The insurance service provider would send their inspectors to check your property, record the damage, and offer a settlement.  

However, the compensation offered by the company may be lower than the actual expenses required to repair the damage. For instance, they may have included the cost of a new roof but not the cost of removing and disposing of your existing roof. 

Similarly, they might miss including your expensive flooring or carpets. Replacing all these items could lead to very hefty repair bills, and contesting a low settlement would be a huge hassle—especially when you are trying to rebuild your life, all over again. Moreover, filing a detailed property insurance claim can be a difficult task involving a lot of red tape.  

Ask the Experts for a Second Opinion!

However, a second opinion can go a long way in alleviating any anxiety you feel about navigating the claim and settlement process. Here, hiring a public adjuster would be a great idea. These experts would always be in your corner and would take care of your interests. They will painstakingly check the policy document for any provisions that can maximize your claim. 

For example, if you have a wind-damaged roof or siding your carrier will only pay to replace only the missing shingles or siding and many company adjusters do not consider replacing the entire slopes or consider “line of sight” alternatives.  

Public Adjusters assist in finalizing the estimate to ensure that the policyholders are put back to “Pre-Loss Conditions” and that the final repairs look reasonable. 

Public Adjusters will also collect all the necessary documentation and assist in filling out workbooks, photos, Proof of loss forms that are usually required to insure “Pre-Loss Conditions are achieved and that the policyholder receives the maximum payments owed to them from their carriers. Public Adjusters review insurance companies’ initial estimates in order to verify any items or necessary repairs that the company adjuster has overlooked and/or does not want to pay for.  

Your public adjusters are well aware of industry-specific jargon, as well as all the clauses and sub-clauses found in a typical insurance contract. You can count on them to guide you through every step, from filing the forms to accepting a full and final settlement.  

If you’ve suffered any significant property damage and are unsure about the claim process, consider engaging the services of public adjusters in Akron, OH. You can also ask for a second opinion if you are unsatisfied with your settlement amount. IRPA’s team of skilled, vigilant, and experienced public adjusters is always available to give you any advice you need.