There are few events in life as upsetting as losing your property after a devastating loss to your home or commercial property. Apart from coping with the loss, you’ll have to contend with an inexperienced company adjuster or most likely a 3rd party adjusting company that your carrier has hired to handle your claim for them. In many of these cases the company adjusters usually have 50-100 other claims and may either lack the time and/or have the years of experience to properly handle a large loss property claim.

Usually, the policyholders are distraught and in no condition to understand their policy’s Terms and Conditions. They also lack knowledge and are at a greater disadvantage when speaking to their company assigned adjusters about their claim. While assessing the damage, the company adjuster’s representative  can leave out many items portions of your claim that might be part of your coverage such as “Ordinance and Law (CODE) in order to put you back to “Pre Loss Conditions”. Making sure your claim gets fully paid as to the Terms and Conditions of your policy could add Thousands to your claim. Any portion of your claim that would be denied would certainly be reviewed as to how it is being applied per the situation, policy language by your company adjuster.

When considering using a public adjuster, it is better to have them on board in the very beginning of the claim rather than in the middle or end of your claim when you start to have issues with the carrier and/or your claim is either partially denied or denied in full. This way the public adjuster is involved at the start of the claim and can work with their clients and their company adjuster representatives throughout the entire claims process.

Public Adjusters Can Help Maximize Your Claims!

Public Adjusters have the experience and the training to understand all the technical language typically employed by insurance companies regarding the policy contract. Public Adjusters will review the policy contract to see what areas of coverage that you are afforded to you under the policy to get you back to “pre loss conditions”.

Let’s assume, for example, that your roof was damaged in a storm. You file a claim and a company adjuster (or 3rd party representative) comes out to look at the damages. The company adjuster inspects the roof and sends a denial letter to you stating your claim is denied due to “Faulty Workmanship and “Improper Installation”. You decide to hire a Public adjuster who inspects the roof and makes the determination that the “Faulty workmanship and Improper installation” denial does not apply and was improperly used by the company adjuster representative in their claim denial. The claim and the information that the Public Adjuster submits to the carrier gets another review by and the carrier then approves the roof to be replaced. These types of scenarios happen more then you would believe!

There are several other ways that public adjusters can extract maximum coverage from your insurance contract. If you lost your home to a cause of loss such as fire, wind and water damages, you would naturally file a claim for its repair or reconstruction. Your public adjusters would also review the policy for Additional Living Expenses and Extra Expenses (ALE & EE) or any other supplemental coverage that could apply which will take care of all the expenses such as Hotel, Travel and Food while the property is being repaired.

IRPA’s highly skilled and experienced team of public adjusters in Villas, FL, has over two decades of experience in this field. You can count on us to be there in your corner whenever you want to file a claim.