Commercial property claims tend to be complicated. That’s why insurance companies usually send their most experienced inspectors and adjusters to handle such cases.

While you might be comforted by the thought that a seasoned adjuster is working on your claim, this is not really the case. A commercial property insurance adjuster would evaluate your claim with the express intention of increasing the insurance company’s profitability. They do so by minimizing or even rejecting claims. It’s very simple really. These people don’t work for you but for the company that hires them. 

A public adjuster, on the other hand, works on your behalf and tries to ‘maximize’ your claim to the full extent permissible under your insurance contract. Here’s how:

Handling Coverage Issues

Insurance companies check for coverage as soon as they receive your claims form. You won’t even know you have a coverage issue until you receive a letter declining coverage of your damages. This way, you will be deprived of your claim—just when you need it the most.

However, your public adjuster will scrutinize your contract and draft a claim accordingly. These people are experts at reading and understanding the fine print of insurance contracts, and they will make sure there are no loopholes that your insurance service provider might exploit. 

They Will Help in Controlling the Investigation 

Insurance adjusters ask a lot of questions when they investigate a claim. Many of these questions have one purpose—to ferret out coverage issues. 

Their questions may seem perfectly harmless, but they will use your answers to try to jeopardize your claim. While you must always cooperate with your insurance company’s investigators, you should only do so with your public adjuster in your corner.

They have the experience and the expertise to conduct their own investigations. They will also recognize any issues ahead of time and prepare you to deal with the company’s adjusters. 

Negotiating the Best Possible Settlement

Negotiating a reasonable settlement for a commercial claim takes a lot of time and effort. The insurance agency people understand even the most complicated issues. Your public adjusters also have the same skill set and will use it to offset their advantage. They have the in-depth knowledge and the expertise to keep going until you are given a fair settlement. 

If you are looking for public adjusters in Fort Myers, Florida, contact IRPA today to ensure the best settlement possible for all your commercial claims.