Let’s suppose your home or any other insured property has been damaged, and you want to file an insurance claim. You might have learned that public adjusters can help but are not quite sure how they would make a difference. There are many myths regarding public adjusters. Here, we will debunk a few of the more common misconceptions concerning their services

Misconception 1: Public adjusters are unnecessary since the insurance companies employ their own adjusters

Many policyholders might believe they don’t need a public adjuster in their corner since their insurance company has already assigned an adjuster to their claim. Here, it is crucial to understand that insurance adjusters work on behalf of the insurance company. They are there to protect the company’s interests— not yours. In fact, that’s how they earn their living!

A public adjuster, on the other hand, will work exclusively for you. These experts will thoroughly check the claim to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Not what the insurance company is willing to pay you. 

Misconception 2: Public adjusters increase red tape 

Some policyholders often worry that public adjusters add an extra level of processing to their claims and delay the whole process. However, nothing can be further from the truth since these highly trained and experienced professionals do the opposite. They know every trick of the trade and won’t allow the insurance company to defer your claim or slow down the process in any way. 

In fact, by ensuring that all relevant documentation is submitted promptly, they will actually expedite the process and cut through all that bureaucratic red tape. Ultimately, this will translate into faster processing speeds, so you might commence rebuilding as soon as possible. 

Misconception 3: Public adjusters are only necessary for large insurance claims

A public adjuster doesn’t necessarily have to work with large claims only. In fact, these people can be helpful irrespective of the size of the claim. After all, they have the expertise and the in-depth industry knowledge required to properly assess all losses and damages. They will ensure that everything has been accounted for and documented so the insurance service provider won’t have any basis to reduce or reject a claim. In case the company opts to contest a claim, they will negotiate on your behalf. 


Misconception 4: Insurance companies have my best interest at heart 

Unfortunately, insurance companies are just like any other business enterprise in the sense that they want to maximize profits (premiums) and minimize payouts (compensation claims). However, they won’t be able to do so if you hire a public adjuster since these people would thoroughly check your policy and ensure you are paid your full entitlement. 

Misconception 5: Only commercial enterprises require public adjusters

Homeowners and commercial businesses alike can benefit from engaging the services of a public adjuster. This holds particularly true for large and complex claims. 

If you are looking for public adjusters in Iona, FL, your best bet would be IRPA. We know the industry inside out and have many years of proven experience in ensuring our clients are paid the maximum amounts possible.