If your property is insured against natural calamities, you are automatically entitled to compensation according to the terms and conditions of your insurance contract. However, the process is not as smooth as the insurance sales agent makes it out to be when drafting your contract. 

In the case of large-scale disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes, insurance companies have to pay massive amounts. Since they are primarily profit-making enterprises, they try their level best to delay or sometimes even outrightly deny your claims. 

House owners are hit with a double whammy. Not only do they lose their homes, but they also have to fight for the compensation necessary to start rebuilding their lives. 

Even if and when the insurance agency does pay, it might not be the amount you are due. In fact, many companies substantially reduce the claim amounts and justify the practice through their own inspectors and adjusters. 

Public Adjusters Will Guide You through the Whole Claim Submission Process 

A public adjuster can be a great help in securing your just dues. If your insurance company refuses to honor your claims, you can opt to hire a public adjuster. 

Unlike insurance adjusters, public adjusters have your interest at heart, and they will try to maximize your compensation amount. These people are specialists and have the expertise and experience of navigating the insurance world. They will be perfectly at home interpreting the complicated legal language typically used by insurance companies.  

Apart from that, your adjusters will methodically go through the insurance contract and fill the forms on your behalf to ensure an ironclad claim. They will also include items that you may have overlooked such as loss of business or living expenses while your home or office is being rebuilt. 

They will also painstakingly research and document all the losses you have suffered and give evidence- based assessments to the insurance company. This way, your insurance service provider won’t have any reason to avoid honoring your claim. 

In fact, many insurance companies opt not to contest claims when they see that public adjusters have filled out the forms and are carefully monitoring the whole process. In case of any disagreements, they will also negotiate claim amounts for you.  

If you have suffered a grievous property loss and are looking for a Villas, FL, public adjuster, just get in touch with IRPA. We will try our best to secure a favorable settlement on your behalf.