After suffering a loss from a calamity such as a fire or a storm, you will want to get your life back on track. Most policyholders think an insurance policy will handle everything. 

Unfortunately, that’s not always true since insurance companies often drag their heels when it’s time to settle their insurance claims. This happens more often in the case of natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. 

The number of compensation requests means the insurance companies are hard-pressed to satisfy every claim in its totality. Under the circumstances, many agencies lower the compensation amounts or even reject the whole claim completely. 

Here the policy owners are hit with a double whammy—they lose their homes and livelihoods and don’t even get the compensation they are entitled to, as per their policies. However, you don’t have to lose hope, not when you can hire a public adjuster to handle your property damage claim.

  • They Will Work for You—Not Your Service Provider 

Even if your insurance service provider agrees to pay an amount, it might not be enough to cover all your losses and damages. After all, the insurance adjusters and inspectors they send to assess your property would be working for the company. Their jobs and contracts depend upon protecting the bottom line! They would almost certainly try to minimize the payouts so the company could maintain its profitability.  

Public adjusters, on the other hand, work exclusively for you—not the insurance company. These people will always be in your corner and take care of your interests. 

  • They Will Help Maximize the Settlement

Your public adjuster’s main task is to maximize your settlement. That is, the full and final amount you will receive from your insurance company as per the terms and conditions of your contract. 

They will include items that you might have missed. If, for example, you need a new roof because your old one was destroyed in a storm, your insurance company might pay for the new roof. However, they won’t pay the cost of removing the old one. Similarly, they may also skip paying for your living expenses while your home is being repaired or rebuilt. Your public adjusters will thoroughly check the small print to extract the maximum mileage from your insurance contract. 

  • They Won’t Let Emotions Get in Their Way 

You will likely be feeling stressed while filling out the claim forms. You might even settle for a smaller amount just to jumpstart the whole rebuilding process. However, your public adjusters won’t suffer from any such limitations and will work methodically to ensure you receive all your dues. 

  • They Have a Lot of Experience 

They understand the industry very well, along with all the legal requirements and jargon used by insurance agents. It’s almost impossible to hoodwink an experienced public adjuster. In fact, many insurance companies opt to refrain from contesting a claim once they know they are up against a reputable public adjuster! 

If you are looking for seasoned public adjusters in Cape Coral, Florida, just get in touch with IRPA. They are your best bet at getting your due claims approved.